Quality and quantity of dreams you nurture determine the enthusiasm required to make some of them remarkable. When failures take over the energy of doing something great, fatigue sets in. Lack of pace of progress and struggle to keep the momentum in the right direction tests the perseverance.
You need to cultivate the discipline to do things you need to do as and when they are needed to be done. This gives the capability to do things you want to do when you want to do them. Once you gain this capability, making something remarkable comes naturally to you.
The pursuit of a remarkable journey is driven by the dreams, ideas, and ventures you work with. Memories of previous failures and successes occupy most of the thinking cycles required to design and move well in the journey. The day your memories become larger than the dreams is the day you start shrinking – yourself, the journey and the overall pursuit.
Keep dreams bigger than the memories. Let them make you busy and driven irrespective of the memory bank. It keeps you in currency and charged to move-forward-full. You get the flow. Your craft becomes remarkable.
be a #dreamerdoer
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