Transformation is a pursuit of many corporations. The reason may be the business necessity, change in business environment, technology disruption or new and innovative players. Changing permanently from the current state to an irreversible and unknown state is not easy. Many seek external hand-holding. A few will leave it to time. Some focus on customer push. Irrespective of the method, they tend to postpone or dodge. But winners in the market embrace change routinely. More head-on than the rest. How do they do it?
Transformation can be achieved through a series of irreversible changes progressively feeding to the next step to keep the momentum. While you are searching for a big winning idea, you may be missing valuable small nuggets that might help you build a remarkable craft. Winners create a catchment for ideas. They catch all ideas without measuring the impact of the same or classification into big or small when they are found.
Routinely reviewing ideas and harvesting based on the available bandwidth but in-line with the overall progress path helps them make use of the power of every idea, however small it is. Since every idea to improve performance, change experience and create value requires different competencies, winners create a pool of enthusiasts to pick-up what they can deliver and allow them to create small wins. Allowing input, selection, and execution responsibilities with many people make the journey of change democratic.
Democratizing innovation helps improve engagement, effectiveness due to closer feedback cycles and builds a performing company. Changing for good becomes a culture. Culture, the shared value of the corporation makes it easy to embark big transformation, mostly ahead of time.
Build the culture by participating and allowing participation. Small wins build the foundation for a big transformation. Make use of democratisation of innovation to stay ahead of the competition and enjoy market defining leadership.
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