Women around the world are excelling in education. They graduate at higher rates than men, often with better academic performance. But as they step into the workforce, something unexpected happens—their advantage fades.
The First Career Hurdle: The Broken Rung
When it comes to early promotions, women lag behind. For every 100 men promoted to manager, only 81 women move up. This gap, known as the “broken rung,” sets off a ripple effect that compounds over time. If fewer women reach management early in their careers, fewer will advance to senior leadership, reinforcing the gender imbalance at the top.
Why does this happen? One key factor is experience capital—the value individuals gain from their professional experiences. Research suggests that while half of a person’s lifetime earnings come from education, the other half comes from experience. Yet, men tend to extract more career value from their experiences than women do.
Bridging the Experience Gap
The good news? Women can take proactive steps to bridge this gap. Some strategies that have helped women overcome the broken rung include:
• Seeking High-Visibility Projects: Women who take on strategic, cross-functional projects gain more exposure to senior leaders and decision-makers.
• Building a Strong Network: Beyond mentorship, having sponsors—leaders who actively advocate for career growth—can make a significant difference.
• Negotiating for Growth Opportunities: Asking for key assignments, leadership roles, or international experience can accelerate career progression.
• Embracing Lateral Moves: Sometimes, a sideways step into a different function or industry can unlock faster career growth in the long run.
What Companies Can Do
While individual action is essential, organizations also have a role to play in fixing the broken rung. Companies that actively track promotion rates, provide leadership development programs for women, and ensure fair evaluation criteria create a more equitable playing field.
Don’t Wait—Take Charge of Your Career
The road to leadership isn’t just about working harder—it’s about working strategically. Women who consciously build their experience capital can level the playing field and maximize their career potential.
For a deeper dive into this issue, check out:
Ellingrud, K., Yee, L., & Martínez, M. del M. (2024). The Broken Rung: Unlocking the Hidden Reasons Women Keep Losing Ground at Work. Harper Business.*
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