Integrity is the fabric you should wear to work

Most of the companies you work for and build, will have Integrity as one of the foundational values. Everyone agrees. Everyone expects the other to follow. Unbelievable business fall-outs and roll-of-heads in the history, circle around the pivot of integrity – the breach of it.

Integrity is all about being unified and undivided. Integrity has no greyscale. Integrity is the fabric you should always wear to work. But strong fabric requires interlacing – one thread in one direction with other at a right angle. Courage is that thread – which is required to hold the thread of integrity. Most failures around integrity happens slowly and in small steps. Especially when no one is watching. Lack of courage to face and correct it, makes it crack fast and the fabric will be fully torn. How far can you ignore noticing the one wearing a torn cloth?

Integrity and courage should go together. Make it single value. Practice it well and support everyone around you to do the same. This helps in your endeavour. Don’t cut corners while laying the foundation. The strength of what you build depends fully on that.

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