How to test if this is a good idea

Brainstorming guidelines dictate that you should suspend judgment while collecting ideas. Every sponsor, investor and paying customer demands a good idea. You would like to associate and build on a good idea. How to test if it is a good idea?

You should develop and routinely use clear guidelines for qualifying ideas as good or otherwise, based on your business context. A good idea for someone not necessarily is the same for you and your context. Overcoming individual resistance and managing uncertainties associated with the implementation of the idea is very critical to extracting the potential of the idea. Innovation is the value obtained from actual use, not the promise of potential. Results matter. Nothing else.

The economic value of innovation is determined by the quality of implementation than just the quality of ideas. So, to test the quality of an idea, you can use the lens of implementation, an ability to extract value.

You can test the idea through these filters:
• If you can’t implement it, it’s not a good idea
• If you can’t implement it well, it’s not a good idea.
• If you can’t afford to implement it, it’s not a good idea
• If you can’t afford to implement it well, it’s not a good idea
• If you refuse to implement it, it’s not a good idea.

It might be a good idea for someone else, but not for you. Find the one that fits and implement it with right pace, precision, and passion. Leave the rest aside, quickly and gracefully.

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