You make a promise. Make every possible attempt to keep it. During the course, you might encounter obstacles, additional or unanticipated problems. When we face issues we are not ready for, it is natural to feel dejected. When the pressure of keeping the promise builds more than you can handle, it becomes tougher. You might say “if only, this had not happened life would’ve been so good.”
Life is all about obstacles. There’s no path that’s free of roadblocks/ obstacles. Our job is to navigate through them and stay on course. You learn the tricks as you pass one obstacle after the other. Let the drive to keep the promise make you smart and help you find intelligent ways to circumvent well. That’s how you find new solutions that make your toolbox a bit more richer by the day. If you quit in the midway, you miss the opportunity to find new ways and new solutions.
Find a coach, a mentor who can guide you to navigate well. Read books. Follow sports, sportspersons. Keep a journal. Build courage to stay on course and make obstacles – opportunities to discover new possibilities. Make them remarkable!
be a dreamerdoer.
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